Unspeakable and unimaginable things have lived in the dimensions between worlds for eternity. Some have an intelligence of so... Läs mer
Nightstalkers don’t have leaders in a way that a mortal could understand. Some souls are more intact or more malevolent than ... Läs mer
Butchers are uncompromising, unsubtle and brutally efficient killers. To many they appear as a horrific hybrid of ogre, golem... Läs mer
They lurk in the cold shadows of the world, and of the mind. The nightstalkers are the fears of mortals come to life. This Am... Läs mer
Fiends prey on hatred and jealousy. Empowered by these powerful emotions, they are drawn to those who plot and scheme revenge... Läs mer
Terrors are grotesque masses of blubber, slime, and other indiscriminate parts of the Kraken they might once have been. Conte... Läs mer
Death incarnate, the Soulflayers sit astride ghostly mounts whose six demonic hooves burn with a cold blue fire. Soulflayers ... Läs mer
The highly influential beings who weave lies and distrust are like beacons to the most powerful and wilful of the fiends. The... Läs mer
The smallest opening is enough to invite the presence of these foul beasts. They can pour through keyholes and under doors as... Läs mer
The Nightstalkers are the dreams, nightmares, fears, and horrors of mortals made manifest. Although their incursions into our... Läs mer
The zombie-like Scarecrows are always right behind you, shuffling relentlessly and endlessly no matter how far you run. Spect... Läs mer
Titans of the ether, these former giant Cyclopes retain only a passing resemblance to their long forgotten mortal forms. Now,... Läs mer
Shadowhounds are huge, black, twin-headed canines, with gnashing jaws and fur matted with vile ectoplasm. Hunting in packs, t... Läs mer
Reapers are vicious, violent creatures, armed with a wicked array of blades, claws, and teeth. They stalk those who fear viol... Läs mer