Number of Miniatures: 3 Product Type: Metal Miniatures Unit Type: Large Infantry Legendary kings of ancient times, these gore... Läs mer
Wraiths generally take the form of a cloaked and hooded figure clutching a curved scythe, plucking the horrific image of deat... Läs mer
Mhorgoth the Faceless is arguably the most powerful Necromancer ever to blight the world, a twisted and ancient being that wa... Läs mer
Revenants are ancient heroes infused with a Necromancers power that rise to become deadly undead warriors. The Revenants for... Läs mer
Borne aloft on the tattered wings of a Pegasus brought back to life, Vampires are immortal creatures of the night possessed o... Läs mer
Number of Miniatures: 10 Product Type: Metal Miniatures Unit Type: Troop Set Soul Reavers who choose to fight on foot are ... Läs mer
The embalmed corpses of these ancient warriors from the southern deserts are slow, but almost impossible to destroy. Arrows, ... Läs mer
Zombies are the rotting, shambling corpses of the recently dead; plucked from their rightful rest by the foul machinations of... Läs mer
The Balefire Catapult is a horrific warmachine capable of blowing apart whole regiments of troops, inducing terror and great ... Läs mer
Mounted on an Undead Pegasus, a Vampire Lord becomes a sky-borne predator of terror and fury, picking off the choicest target... Läs mer
The peculiar physiology of Trolls makes them incredibly difficult to kill, their flesh re-knitting any wound and their thick,... Läs mer
Number of Miniatures: 1 Product Type: Metal Miniature Unit Type: Hero Among the terrifying ranks of the Werewolves, there ... Läs mer
Ancient heroes infused with a Necromancers power rise to become Revenants, deadly undead warriors whose power is far greater... Läs mer
Number of Miniatures: 1 Product Type: Metal Miniature Unit Type: Hero A Necromancer is a man for whom all scruples and mor... Läs mer
With rusted scraps of antiquated armour hanging off their bones and clutching the chipped and corroded weapons they bore in l... Läs mer
Number of Miniatures: 5 Product Type: Plastic and Metal Miniatures Unit Type: Troop Set The Vampire Knights of the Soul Re... Läs mer
With rusted scraps of antiquated armour hanging off their bones and clutching the chipped and corroded weapons they bore in l... Läs mer
Ghouls are devolved, cannibalistic creatures that tear and claw at their prey's soft flesh, ripping it from the enemy before ... Läs mer
Wyrms are distant relations of the great drakes that inhabit the mountains of Mantica. Ferocious and tough, they adapt quickl... Läs mer
While a Revenant King on an Undead Wyrm is terrifying enough to face, one mounted on a winged Wyrm is worse still. Taking to ... Läs mer